Version: 3.3
This tool works to edit stats for PES 2018 and PES 2017 PC. It has two modes:
- Data files: works for DT10.cpk (DT36.cpk PlayerAppearances.bin) decompressed (don't need decompress each file .bin). Works to PC and PS3.
- Edit file (EDIT00000000 encrypted).
This tool edits:
- Players.
- Transfers.
- Teams.
- Formations.
- Uniforms (only EDIT files).
- Competition entry.
- Coach.
- Stadium.
- Global Functions.
- Correct fake names: Players, Teams, Coachs (CSV files).
- Replace repeated players.
- Import/Export in CSV files.
- Players.
- Teams.
- Coachs.
- Player assignments (DT mode) or rosters (EDIT mode).
- Formations.
- Uniforms (EDIT mode).
- Selected player or player + appearance.
- All players from a team or player + appearance (Only export).
- Selected team.
- Formation from selected team.
- Roster from selected team.
- This tool is in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. If you want add another language in other version, please translate the file ENG.txt and share it.
- If you import new teams in Teams.bin, the game can't create EDIT file. You'll need create EDIT file with the new teams manually or importing in EDIT file too.
- The CSV files can be separated by comma, semicolon or tabulation, but must be *.csv.
- The CSV files must be UNICODE or UTF-8 to get special characters.
- In EDIT mode, can't create players with any Id. It must be higher than 1048576 (0x100000).
- To import the order don't matter, but the headers do. You can't change them.
- You can export and import between PES2017 and 2018.
- Before use this tool, make a backup.
Thanks to Devil Cold52 for encrypter18 and decrypter18 files.
Pes2018Editor V3.3 DOWNLOAD MEGA
REALLY THNKS, tested and seems works fine
ResponderEliminarThanks For all your Works, are amazing!
ResponderEliminarCan you make a Tool to import PES 2018 player stats, to set in pes 2017? Automatical or Manual.
I don't understand what do you want.
EliminarI Can´t play pes 2018 but i can play 2017.
EliminarMy idea is import stats PES 2018 to PES 2017, and no make this one by one, or stats by stats.
Or conver Pes 2018 edit to Pes 2017.
I found de difference between Exported player pes 2017/2018 with your tool.
Is this usefull for you? For my petition?
Thanks Again.
PD: Do you Speak Spanish? o.O
I know what is the difference, but i don't know where is Edit_Abbilities, etc.
EliminarI'm try to join both 2017/2018 in game and don't matter the order when you import/export.
Sí hablo español. Sé en qué se diferencian, pero en el archivo no sé dónde están esos valores.
En la próxima versión no importará el orden de los datos, pero sí importarán los títulos.
Bien, imaginé porque te encontré en Twitter, da igual.
EliminarCrees que sea posible, aunque sea exportando e importando, que tu herramienta modifique esto valores? O que no los exporte/importe, para que no crashee el programa? La otra herramiente que te pedía, calculo que no hay posibilidades de hacerla, no?
3ero y último, hay posibilidades de que el editor de 2017, desencripte el edit, tal como hace el 2018?
Gracias, y disculpa la molestia.
Estoy integrando los editores y la idea es que no importe el orden de como se importa sino el encabezado o título.
Eliminarcould you add the tabtrue/false also for player styles ,i nedd to remove a lot of them :)
ResponderEliminarI don't know where is this value yet.
EliminarHow can I edit legends like Maradona and Michael Owen to have them on ML?
ResponderEliminarI don't know yet, how put them on ML.
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarCould you do a full video on how to edit from start to finish? I have followed the instructions and tried editing teams and nothing changes in-game. So from decompressing the cpk to loading the game with changes.
ResponderEliminarif you change bin file, you have to recreate the edit file from the scratch to see your changes in game. It's like Dino editor or similar database bin editor
EliminarNationality of teams are wrong, name of club changes only if edited before in game
ResponderEliminarWhat happen with nationality of teams? If are there countries that don't be, yes like 20 countries.
EliminarWhen you change a team, you need press on Edit team.
is this tool for ps3 console?
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarhi, please can you support ps3? i can convert everything from ps3 to pc to open them except PlayerAppearance.bin i cant convert it... here dt10 and PlayerAppearance for ps3 hope you will support ps3 soon.
ResponderEliminarI'll consider it. It takes some time.
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarin the search tabs 'team by group' brazilerao and primera argentina league missing.
ResponderEliminarI'll fix it.
Eliminaris it possible to add real player face to the players that dosnt have a face yet?
ResponderEliminarWith this tool not.
Eliminaralso about tactics , loading a saved tactics doesn't work like the edit game mode, for a fluid formation on your tools ihave to save all the three shapes and load them separatelly and whatever style of blaid, def line, number of players in att7deff and all the others tactics setting are not loaded, could you fix that , so we can load the complete tactis with a single shot? Thnks again for this tools :)
ResponderEliminarI'll look that.
Eliminarthere are some issues with psd stats import. it returns an error when you try to import psd stats with a playing style "offensive full-back". also, it doesn't import some player cards like "s12 - first time shots" and maybe some others, but this is the most noticeable
ResponderEliminarafter you apply your changes to the player and you are on the "clubs" player list view you get thrown back to the "all" players list view, it's a bit uncomfortable to switch back every time
and it would be great to have an option when you import psd to only import stats and leave fields like player name, playing style and player cards untouched because they are often set more accurately by konami
even better would be an option to import only some player fields like abilities and\or names, positions, playing styles etc from csv
thanks for releasing your editor tool so early this year
1. Yes, the page of PSD has some words written different to the tool, so this the problem.
Eliminar2. About Club and All players, I'll fix that.
3. About choose in PSD, It takes more time, but I'll consider it.
is there any way of creating a new league?
ResponderEliminarThe game wouldn't take it.
EliminarThanks for reply, what do you meen with "wouldn't take it"?..i've been trying to edit bin files, i extracted de dt10.cpk files and i see competition, I unzlib the bin file and i see the competition, tried to edit and repack the cpk again file but no success.. thanks :) btw nice work
EliminarI did try to change some things of competition, and the game crashed (pes2017), for that the values are OnlyRead in my tool.
EliminarHi!! tks for the tool!! i apply import player but dont change anything.. and correct repat players dont work....
ResponderEliminarany tutotial?? tks!!
In this version, the csv file to import player must have the same values in the same order. So export a player and change the values. In next version I'll change this.
EliminarThe correct repeat players don't work good with Nationals. I'll fix that soon.
Eliminarbrother, excellent contribution, greetings from Argentina, a question, how can I do to have my own team all stars but without removing their teams, for example have messi, robben, neymar, olimpyakos for example, but without removing it to their teams, or clone them,
ResponderEliminarIn Transfer you need find every player, select him, press <-- Without Release --> or <-- Without Release (Sin liberar).
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarI could do it brother, clone the player without removing it to his original equipment, but within the game the option file does not work, appear names of rare equipment and without the changes made
Eliminaris a bug, I already know, when I transfer a player does not lock the option file, but when I want to clone a player the option file is locked and does not work inside the game
EliminarI don't understand you. If you do what I say, the game works?
EliminarWhat are you editing (edit or dt files)?
If you want clone in Edit file, the id of players must be over 1048576 (created players).
I just want to transfer players to build my own team of stars, but without removing their team, for example have sergio ramos bale modric in olimpyakos, but without removing the real madrid, you understand?
EliminarYes. In this version, you must:
Eliminar1. Go to Transfer.
2. Select in the left the team (Olimpyakos).
3. Press Switch button.
4. Find and the player (Sergio Ramos). It's not possible from the team (Real Madrid), I fix that in next.
5. Press <<--Without Release-->> selecting the player from the team (Olimpyakos), or <<--Without Release, to just add him.
I did it! Please try it yourself, and you will see, inside the game then the names of the changed teams appear and everything wrong, I swear I did, try you and tell me to do it and then go to the game and tell me if I turned you
Eliminarsorry my english(google translate)
I do it again, then I give it to save, when I go to the game it's all wrong the real names of the team madrid appears as MD WHITE
Eliminarplease test yourself and you will see that it is a tool bug
Mejor en español entonces, si quieres comparte tu archivo yo reviso.
Eliminarel tema es este hermano,cuando hago una transferencia quitandole el jugador y traspasandolo(por ej neymar quitarlo del psg y traspasarlo al olympiakos)le doy a save y dentro del juego anda perfecto.
Eliminarpero es NO ES LO QUE YO QUIERO HACER,lo que yo siempre hice en todos los pes es clonarlos sin quitarselos a sus equipos,armar mi propio all stars team,en olympiakos o quien sea,pero manteniendo las figuras en sus equipos de origen,se entiende no?
el tema es que seguí tus instrcciones,y pude hacerlo dentro de tu gran herramienta,peroEL PROBLEMA NACE CUANDO le doy a save y entro al juego,allí no aparecen trnsferidos y encima todos los escudos mal,como te comentaba REAL MADRID velve a ser MD WHITE y asi con todos,se entiende?
hazme caso,prueba tu mismo hacerlo de poner a neymar o quien sea en otro eqipo pero sin quitarselo a su equipo de origen,dale save,entra al juego y veras qe esta todo descompaginado
Realmente no he podido probar. Supongo que estás editando el EDIT. La cosa es que el programa no cambia ningún valor extra.
EliminarAsí que es posible que al poner un jugador en varios equipos, PES2018 vea defectuoso el archivo y no lo tome. Porque si funciona bien haciendo la transferencia normal, no veo porqué se daña lo demás con el otro tipo de transferencia.
es cierto lo que decis,pero es raro,en todos los pes anteriores pude hacerlo,con diferentes editores o lo que sea,pero pude,no se,es raro de verdad como tu dices
Eliminarlamentablemente mi AMIGO,no hay caso,pude transferir quitandoles asus equipos nativos,(sin clonarlos),y no se crashea el juego,pero las formaciones de los rivales quedan hechas un desastre al desmantelarlos,por ejemplo contra el real madrid benzema estaba de defensor,contra el barcelona que le robe a suarez en su lugar estaba de 9 mascherano,un DESaSTRE,la unica forma es clonarlos y no se puede,asi que estoy con bronca,un abrazo ojala que se corrija
EliminarYou can add to the tool to To import this player
ResponderEliminarin the link in the export with the tool PES Next-Gen Editor 2016 0.6.0 P. NTEP.P16
I do not understand what I have to do when I open PES Next-Gen Editor 2016 0.6.0 when opening the pes file option file edit 2018 the program closes
EliminarI do not understand how to do it, when I remove neymar from PSG to put it in Olimpiakos of Greece I do not see Neymar in PSG any more, please help
ResponderEliminarIn this version, neymar is still in Barcelona
ResponderEliminarWhen I try to load my BAL save it says " error loading the file"
ResponderEliminarin the last version checking the country of italians teams, i saw that they'are english(only juventus have the right nationality).. is a bug or is the true? cuz on dt10 (with dino) they are italians
ResponderEliminarmmm, I try it and italian teams are correct.
Eliminargreat update, thanks
ResponderEliminarLast version (v1.0) is not working fine. When I try to load EDIT000000 file it always shows "E02: Error loading the file"
ResponderEliminarThe previous version (v0.1b) work fine with that very same option file.
Yes, my fault. I'll fix it and upload tomorrow.
EliminarHi mam love your tool!!! i didnt know it, ill be test it all time. this will be my new mod tool CONGRATS. I got lot of suggestions.
1 Will be great is we cant import just 1 team (the one i edited)
2 doble clic to players in order to edit
1 I only see the player inside licensed teams (NO PEU PLS PSA teams)
Eliminar1. The tool can't export only 1 team, but I will add this option later.
2. I don't understand this. Where?
1. I'm not sure about that, because some people will want edit this players.
I mean fake teams inside PEU PLA PAS, i can see those team on TEAM tab - Team by group, but if i want to edit the player inside, i have to shearch one by one on Players Tab, thats why my suggestion was inside "FORMATION tab" doble click on players in order to edit them.
EliminarTnks for your time
Or make it thoose teams show on PLAYERS tab "search by team"
Eliminari cant see FAKE teams on transfer
EliminarOk, I understand now.
EliminarI don't know about you can see fake teams on transfer, what team? I can see them
Can be possible to trade licenced kit, logo and manager photo on this tool soon? I really want to licenced teams without changing the cpk files. Possible? Ingame is locked we need to remove the licenced kits to open that option to edit :(
ResponderEliminarI'm not sure if it's possible. The game takes first the cpk, then EDIT.
EliminarHey man, have a problem. I eported players one by one with 2017 editor from pes 2017 of, and i want to import them one by one in 2018 by 2018 editor. How to to it? When i go to import player nothing happend. Also when i Export a player from 2018 editor an want to bringhim back again nothing happend.
ResponderEliminarExport fine? to import one player, you select player, import player, ckeck Edit Player and apply, then save.
EliminarNot working like that
EliminarCould you add option to export team + players from pes 2017 to pes 2018? and could you fix one bug in formations? The bug is when i manage formation and press apply tool goes crazy and everything mess up.
ResponderEliminarWhat is the bug? I think is your file, if you want share it.
EliminarThe problem is thata when i change first 11 and press apply in the left corner the tool goes crazy and GK goes to LMF position and so on.
EliminarDon't happen to me, if you want share the file.
EliminarDo you have some PM here or maybe account on some forum so i could send you?
Eliminarpes-patch, with the same name
Eliminari have sent you a PM.
EliminarI can't watch your bug in formations, I use Liechtenstein, edit something, appy and nothing happen, all is ok. But you have a DF in GK, and 2 GK like Strikers.
EliminarPosR is the ideal position from the player.
Hello! a little question, is it possible to export players from the edit to then import them into the DB? the columns in the cvs are not the same, how can I do this?
ResponderEliminarYes, you can do it. If you import Messi, e.g., he'll have 2nd Country: Spain, this it isn't in EDIT, so keep from DB.
EliminarError de Datos Corrompidos en el Juego, al editar EDIT de PES 2017 Encryptado (no probé desencriptado), anteriormente me dio un error de decrypter2017/encrypter2017 (no lo recuerdo -.-").
ResponderEliminarSi querés compartí el archivo yo reviso, pero ya no tengo el juego para probar.
ResponderEliminarArchivo ORIGINAL y el otro GUARDADO.
El problema es con el Archivo Encriptado, al hacerlo de la manera antigua, todo funciona OK.
EliminarCreo que con esta versión funciona bien, tenía un fallo importante con el archivo encriptado.
EliminarExcelente, todo funciona OK!
Eliminarhi great tool but this is giving error when I edit the skills of a player and I click save from error that there is no line in position -1
ResponderEliminarin regulation competition when I select square Edited automatically selected 3th place also ! please fix this error and sorry for my bad english :)
ResponderEliminarSolved this.
Eliminarv1.1 is broken again, like v1.0. Gives error 02 when loading EDIT0000000 option file. It was working right in v1.0b
ResponderEliminarWhich are you using? 2018 or 2017, Encrypted or Decrpyted?
EliminarPES 2018, encrypted
EliminarIf you want, share the file.
Eliminaris it possible to change the age limit (15 years)???
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarPES 2018
ResponderEliminarEO2:Error loading the file x:\PES 2018 Editor V1.1a by ejog327\EncryptetFiles\data.dat
...any suggestion ???
If you want, share the file.
EliminarIts OK now
EliminarThanks a lot my friend ....
please also full tactis save/load with all the values...
ResponderEliminarlike this tools by zlac did last years
and in the players tab would be cool have also a league tab like the one in the team tab
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarHola. Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
ResponderEliminarEn futuras actualizaciones va a ser posible editar kits de clubes licenciados?
Sólo eso. Muchas gracias y excelente editor!
Creo que el juego no permite esto desde el EDIT. Tienes que hacerlo desde los archivos .bin o .cpk.
EliminarYa veo, desde el PES 2015 se hizo más difícil lo que busco. Saludos.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarBecause the exchange of the name of the euipe does not work, I tried to change the name of sc corinthians paulista by corinthians and did not change in the game, in the program I applied and saved, but when I enter the game nothing to change the name. what do I do .
ResponderEliminarcorinthias is licensed you can't change the names of licensed teams via edit, only via bin files
EDIT0000 file not working in v1.1. It works fine in v1.0b
EliminarOk, I've updated to V1.1a, in this I can work good your file.
EliminarBut I think in V1.1 works too, you need check Encrypted.
EliminarThank you for this wonderful tool, may i ask how to filter out all the players with same Nationality like Japanese, Korean etc. ?
ResponderEliminarThe tool don't have filters yet. I'll consider this in future versions.
EliminarGreat, thank you for taking note. I hope it will come out soon.
EliminarBest wish for you friend.
Thanks for the tool but
ResponderEliminarevery version of your tool doesn't work for me:
I use Kilay's edit file. I open it with Editor as encrypted...Ok
I make some transfers, save the file...Ok
But when i open pes2018 everything is messed. It's like i use original edit file
No logos no real name competitions and of course transfers do not appear
Any solution?
transfer works fine but transfer without release destroys option file
ResponderEliminarMmmmmm, I think this option (have a player in two or more teams) don't work in this Pes 2018.
Eliminarhola brother,viste que te dije,este muchacho comenta lo mimso que yo te decia,cuando clonas a los jugadores el archivo edit se corrompe dentro del juego
Eliminaruna lastima no puedo disfrutar de armar mi equipo propio
si sabes de algo o lo podes corregir desde tu herramienta por favor hazlo.
un abrazo
No he mirado bien, pero yo propondría crear los jugadores con Id 1048576 (0x100000), exportar e importar los jugadores.
EliminarYa si no se quiere perder el espacio para jugadores nuevos, te toca crearlos tanto en cpk como en edit.
no logro comprender,una lastima,el mejor pes en años y no puedo armar mi propio equipo,ojala alguien se le curra algo
Eliminarpero reitero crear los jugadores con Id 1048576 (0x100000)
crearlos tanto en cpk como en edit
no comprendo
Esto debe funcionar:
EliminarOpción 1:
- Exportar a Messi.
- Crear jugador con Id = 1048576, ponerle cualquier nombre. Aplicar.
- Importar jugador, buscar el archivo de Messi. Aplicar.
- Repetir con todos.
Opción 2:
- Exportar todos los jugadores.
- Abrir en Excel el archivo y eliminar las filas de los jugadores que no se necesitan.
- Crear varios jugadores Id = 1048576, 1048577, etc., ponerle cualquier nombre. Aplicar.
- En el Excel cambiar los Id por 1048576, 1048577, etc. Guardar (Tener cuidado porque Excel guarda en codificación ANSI por lo tanto quita las tildes y otros símbolos).
- Importar jugadores.
Opción 3:
- Temporalmente hacer las transferencias que se quieren.
- Exportar los jugadores del equipo.
- C
- Exportar todos los jugadores.
- Abrir en Excel el archivo y eliminar las filas de los jugadores que no se necesitan.
- Crear varios jugadores Id = 1048576, 1048577, etc., ponerle cualquier nombre. Aplicar.
- En el Excel cambiar los Id por 1048576, 1048577, etc. Guardar (Tener cuidado porque Excel guarda en codificación ANSI por lo tanto quita las tildes y otros símbolos).
- Importar jugadores.
Opción 3:
Eliminar- Temporalmente hacer las transferencias que se quieren.
- Exportar los jugadores del equipo.
- Crear varios jugadores Id = 1048576, 1048577, etc., ponerle cualquier nombre. Aplicar.
- Abrir en Excel el archivo y cambiar los Id por 1048576, 1048577, etc. Guardar (Tener cuidado porque Excel guarda en codificación ANSI por lo tanto quita las tildes y otros símbolos).
- Importar jugadores.
mmm pero toca hacer algo similar con las apariencias. Igual tengo que agregar la opción para crear una copia de un jugador.
Eliminarcreala por favor,seria mas seencilloo asi puedo disfrutarn del mejor pes en años
Eliminarpor favor una opcion de clonar jugador,serias un genio,abrazo
About tactics if we left some kickers empty the tools save anyway, but in the game if you try to move the placement of the players in game plan without add the kickers(in game edit mode) the game crash
ResponderEliminarand inside the tools we are not able to select all the players form the kickers tab, just few
ResponderEliminarBut you can't leave this kickers empty. I put this option(empty kicker) because some files (edited) have error there (shirt number), so don't crash the tool.
EliminarAnd the second, which team? In my file, the tool show me 11 initial players.
ok, you're right are eleven players but aren't the ones that i have in my game. So i can't put the right kickers, captain etc
That's weird, can't you share with me your file?.
EliminarI found what happen, I'll fix it.
Eliminarthnks mate
EliminarI think this is solved, check it.
Eliminarthnks now seems ok,
Eliminarcould you add a feautures to randomize players stats/age/Nationality?
thnks bro is amazing tool..can you fix import appearance plz
EliminarHola cuando quiero hacer transferecias las hago pero cuando entro al juego los jugadores transferidos salen sin nombre salen con un simbolo asi ----- y cuando quiero cambiar los nombres de los entrenadores igual utilizo el ptepatch 6.1
ResponderEliminarPero qué jugadores estás transfiriendo y qué pasa con los entrenadores?. En este juego, cada jugador solamente puede estar en un club.
Eliminaraunque digas que en este juego cada jugador puede estar en un club,tu puedes hermano,crear la opción para crear una copia de un jugador y tener un jugador en varios clubes o por lo menos en dos,suerte si puedes con eso
EliminarI use Version: 1.2 to edit the database pes 2017, but there is a bug, can not save , please fix it bro, thanks
ResponderEliminarall version pes2018editor error when saving edit database pes 2017
EliminarWhat are you editing? In my files save good. If you want, share your file.
EliminarHola, muy buena herramienta, tengo una duda puedo crear un jugador nuevo como en el editor interno de pes?
ResponderEliminarpor que cuando actualizo equipos y hago las transferencias y tengo que poner un jugador nuevo nose como crearlo desde la herramienta. tengo que entrar desde el juego crearlo y transferirlo al equipo. se podrá hacer esto en la herramienta?
Sí. En Jugadores, Nuevo, Id = 1048576, el siguiente 1048577, etc. (No sé cuántos se puedan agregar). Poner el nombre también y Aplicar. Editarlo y aplicar nuevamente.
Eliminarjoya, ya lo pude hacer
Error cuando abro EDIT PES 2017 Encriptado:
ResponderEliminarConsulte el final de este mensaje para obtener más detalles sobre cómo invocar a la depuración
Just-In-Time (JIT) en lugar de a este cuadro de diálogo.
************** Texto de la excepción **************
System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
en =PVpC'7um|LMKDTh#'S\\WM=H'.(Array , Int32 )
en =PVpC'7um|LMKDTh#'S\\WM=H'.()
en =PVpC'7um|LMKDTh#'S\\WM=H'.(Object , EventArgs )
en System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e)
en System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectedIndex(Int32 value)
en =PVpC'7um|LMKDTh#'S\\WM=H'.(ListControl , Int32 )
en =PVpC'7um|LMKDTh#'S\\WM=H'.(Int32 )
en .()
en .()
en .()
en .(Object , RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs )
en System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
en System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.AsyncOperationCompleted(Object arg)
************** Ensamblados cargados **************
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32: 4.7.2110.0 built by: NET47REL1LAST
Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/FE4r/Desktop/Pro/2018/PES%202018%20Editor%20V1.2a%20by%20ejogc327/PES%202018%20Editor%20V1.2a%20by%20ejogc327/PES2018Editor.exe
Versión del ensamblado:
Versión Win32:
Código base: file:///C:/Users/FE4r/Desktop/Pro/2018/PES%202018%20Editor%20V1.2a%20by%20ejogc327/PES%202018%20Editor%20V1.2a%20by%20ejogc327/PES2018Editor.exe
Versión del ensamblado:
Espero sirva de algo.
Realmente no, me sirve es que compartás el archivo
EliminarProba con este archivo:
El de PES 2017 y está encriptado.
Todo Funciona Nuevamente OK para mi, Gracias por el Update!
EliminarHI bro any chance to export/import player with appearance
ResponderEliminarHello, very nice tool, it has helped me very much. I have found some problems at the latest version: importing player assignments doesn't seem to work and importing team names doesn't import every national team names. Also, making changes to the formation of some teams, e.g. Olympiacos, Galatasaray, really messes them up. Player deletion doesn't work, too, it throws an error and, afterwards, the databases cannot be saved. Here is the complete folder with the databases I edit and that give the problems:!uV80kYwI!t8qf4nex9DHYxEEagXOZdgyJ6SSvtT7C7QQbZmsxKA8
ResponderEliminarFinally, some features that I would like to request: 1. Add a selector to edit files like Player4.bin and Team4.bin, 2. Add an option to load and edit them at the same time (Team.bin + Team4.bin), 3. Edit Country.bin (nationalities' names), 4. Edit players' IDs, 6. Delete players using PlayerDeleteList.bin, 5. Keep up the good work!
¡Muchas gracias!
1. I need your csv files, at least with 2 elements, because with your Edit file import good to me, with Player Assignments and Team.
Eliminar2. In formation and deletion player, I found the error. I'll fix it.
3. I think you can choose the Player4 and Team4, but don't Player+PLayer4.
Here is the Team.csv:
Player assignments seem to work now, don't know why. I will try later.
Please work only for EDIT to import Kits to licenced original teams. Logo and manager works great, now i can change Albânia flag and put the shirt logo version in the menu.
ResponderEliminarBueno voy hablar espanhol, lo que queria decir es que quiero tener uno option file para importar kits de equipos licenciados por cima de los que se importa dentro del juego. Casi parecido con el logo que cambiamos de -1 al 0. Funciona muy bien eso. Los Manager no lo se pero no me hace falta.
EliminarLos equipos como albânia el logo cambia nel menu, pero dentro del juego es la bandera de konami.
Creo que entiendo, tengo que mirar cómo hacerlo. Igual faltan muchas cosas por agregar, pero voy a mirar si puedo verificar eso rápido.
EliminarMuchas grácias elogc327 ;)
EliminarLo hey logrado importar el nuevo logo de besiktas porque tiene 3 estrellas.
EliminarHola! trato de cambiar los nombres falsos por los reales con este archivo
en tu herramienta me carga perfecto y los corrige, pero cuando abro el juego se cierra con un error, sabes que pueda ser? ghracias!!!
A mí me funciona bien con tu archivo. Qué error aparece?
Eliminaris it possible to create a Abilities +/-/= "1-99" Button?
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminarplease ejogc327
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarMe lo hay olvidado de una cosa, tambén quiero saber se puedo cambiar los logos de la liga e copa licenciados sólo con el EDIT. Grácias.
ResponderEliminarHOLA, TENGO UNA DUDA.
Tenés que chulear Editar jugador.
EliminarPlayerAppearance.bin after save error, size to be 1KB
ResponderEliminarTry 1.3a, I think it's solved
Eliminarthe tactics issue about kickers is always here, the kickers in your tools doesn't match the ones in the game, also making change create issues.
ResponderEliminarI don't know what happen, In my file works good. What change create issues?
EliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminartry on juventus inside the game and the non your tool ,the kickers are different
here some screens about this issue!DgYXCLZT!VxZ0KjWTyi8c9c96eJ4GAMtNgdVJEWdUtLj459zzd7g
EliminarI think in 1.3a is solved now. Try it.
EliminarAbout Hertha, I couldn't watch yet.
Para quando tener import de kits e logos de manager sólo usando el Edit00000?
ResponderEliminarque bronca!!esta version 1.3 decia "clone player",me habia ilusionado,pero sigue sin funcionar,lo probaste amigo ya?
ResponderEliminarveo a la derecha una funcion "clonar",recien la veo,como se utiliza hermano,porque le doy a clone player y no se que mas hacer
ResponderEliminarcomo utilizar la funcion clonar?aprieto un player,le doy a clonar y nada
ResponderEliminarElegís a Messi, le das en clonar, Aplicar y tenés un jugador nuevo.
Eliminarbuenas bro tengo un problema cuando guardo todo se me guarda mal el archivo "PlayerAppearance.bin" me qda con 1kb y en el juego se resetean la apariencias de todos los jugadores... q puedo estar haciendo mal¿?
ResponderEliminardesde ya muchas gracias.
Probá con la nueva versión 1.3a, es que tenía un error.
Eliminaralso about tactics, no way to change numbers of players in att/def for my Herta Berlino ID 2297, i did it via hex
ResponderEliminarI am using the File cryptor v3. When i load the decrypted edit file in the edit file,it writes in the bottom,cannot open file.what is the issue
ResponderEliminarTengo un problema, cuando creo jugadores con la opción de la herramienta "nuevo" y los edito, los muevo al equipo que quiero transferirlo y guardo. Después entro al juego y me aparece como dummy el jugador creado en la herramienta y si los pongo en la formacion no me aparece el nombre del jugador me aparece transparente. pero si entro para cambiarle el nombre, me aparece como lo deje editado en la herramienta, nose que puede ser, antes creaba jugadores y después los podía usar pero ahora no, el ID de los jugadores nuevo me quedo en el numero: 1048774 nose si tenga algo que ver
ResponderEliminarNo sé cual sea el problema. Si querés compartí el archivo y yo reviso.
EliminarMe parece que ya se lo que es, creo que es por que ya llegue al limite de jugadores creados desde cero, entonces cuando los creo con la herramienta en el juego me aparecen como dummy. ahora lo que hice fue borrar esos jugadores dummy y crearlos con los jugadores libres que me quedaban.
EliminarCreo que se que es lo que paso, pero nose..
Eliminarme parece que pes tiene un limite para crear jugadores desde cero, y cuando llego a ese limite y creo jugadores desde la herramienta en el juego me aparecen como dummy lo que tengo que hacer el usar los jugadores "libres" moverlos al equipo que quiero y editarlos con el editor de PES, y para eliminar los dummy tengo que liberarlos desde el juego y después borrarlos con la herramienta, pero igual me quedan mal los equipos por que donde están los dummy me quedan espacios en blancos y no los puedo rellenar, la verdad nose que paso jaja ya veré como sulucionarlo
many thnk in the last version kickers and tactics are ok :)
ResponderEliminargo to gameplan and select the first eleven per ability (there is a feature) , that will solve your issue, (is like the bug about the OF imports that creates cloned gk).
ResponderEliminarHi there
ResponderEliminarThank you for the editor. Please can you add the club team, squad number, national team, national team squad number and nationality name (not number) to the export please?
Thanks :)
anyway number in att/def in tactics doesn't works anymore... on 1.1 works well..